Saturday, August 22, 2009

Turn off your cellphone because IT'S TRACKING YOU.

"If someone in the 1970s had revealed that within 40 years Americans would all be carrying electronic location-tracking devices with them wherever they traveled, people at the time would have either scoffed at the notion, or concluded that we were destined for a totalitarian takeover by the Soviet Union.

"Yet here we are just three decades later, and that situation is precisely what we are rapidly finding ourselves in. The technology is our cell phones."

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Is the U.S. on the Brink of Fascism?

Entirely serious here:

Fascism unfolds in five stages. The first two are pretty solidly behind us -- and the third should be of particular interest to progressives right now.

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Consciousness Capitalism: Corporations Are Now After Our Very Beings

"Corporations are now, for all practical purposes, the only way anything can get done, made or distributed, or even imagined as a way of anything coming into being (except babies). Look around you. Is there anything, from the food in the fridge to the fridge itself, from the furniture to the very varnish on the floors or the clothes we wear that was not delivered unto us by corporations?

"Our dependency on corporations at every level of the needs hierarchy is total. We cannot see beyond the corporate manufactured reality because, to us, it is the only possible reality. We cannot see around it or out of it from the inside. Corporate reality is all permeating. Air tight, too. Each part so perfectly reinforces all of its other parts as to be seamless. Inescapable. In that sense, we are prisoners for life."

-- Joe Bageant, via AlterNet