Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Electric motorcycle does 0 to 60 mph in one second

Let's start with this -- via the SJ Examiner:

"The KillaCyle, owned and designed by Bill Dube, is in hot pursuit of world speed records for all motorcycles. This lightning quick bike is already the world’s fastest electric vehicle of any kind in the quarter mile with a time of 7.89 seconds and speed of 174 mph, set in October 2008 at Bandimere Speedway."

plus the 1972 Datsun "White Zombie" -- "the fastest street legal car on earth."

woo hoo!

I've been a graphic designer, letterer and font creator for Comicraft since 1992. Current projects include ELEPHANTMEN, ASTRO CITY, hardcovers for Marvel, and lots of logos and fonts. Now I'm working on a script for my own comic book series, tentatively entitled "CHARLEY AND THE RESISTORS". Here's the pitch: 

Suburban 14 year-old Charley loves his cellphone, video games and the internet. But technology isn't just his entertainment -- everything he wants and needs, from food to clothing to transportation, is provided by friendly giant robots. 

School's out, and Charley's looking forward to a few months of freedom. But with the economy crashing, both his parents are forced to work double overtime just to keep their jobs. So they send him to stay on his estranged grandfather's farm for the summer.

Not only is there no cell phone or internet -- forcing Charley to go cold turkey from his tech -- the little town somehow manages to get by without any robot assistance whatsoever. And the people there raise some serious objections when Charley inadvertently starts attracting robots into it...

I'm going to use this space to present the series as it progresses, with sketches from artist Marley Zarcone, and links to inventions and things in the news that are inspiring the story. So check back often, and let me know what you think...